On August 4, the feast of St. John Vianney, the patron of parish priests, Fr. Jose Sijo Mulavarickal, rcj, visited the Community of the Anthonian Institute.
Fr. Sijo as he is fondly called, belongs to the St. Anthony Province of the Rogationists and is currently one of the vicars of the Sts. Anthony of Padua and Hannibal Di Francia Parish of Rome. He hails from Kerala, India, and has long been living and studying in Rome. As he spends some days off from his duties, he purposedly came to Poland to visit the communities here. After presiding the Sunday English Mass, he and Fr. Mike traveled to Krakow to visit the city and the Rogationist community there. For Fr. Sijo, it was an eye opener to have a first hand experience of how contemporary Poland has become in contrary to what he has in mind. He was amazed of the beauty of the place and the relief from the hot weather in Rome. He wanted to come again and to go to places that he has never been to.