The 2nd Sunday of Easter is intended for the DIVINE MERCY Sunday.
The Anthonian Institute organized an activity for this Divine Mercy Sunday with the Filipino community. The celebration started with a Film Showing entitled, "LOVE AND MERCY" the Life of Sr. Faustina Kowalska at around 14:30 in the afternoon. After the Film showing, then followed by an Adoration and a chaplet to the Divine Mercy presided by Fr. Tirso. After the Adoration, then followed by the Holy mass. In the mass Fr. Tirso underlines in his homily the importance of Mercy in the life of the people. Mercy brings every believer to come to God even if unworthy. Even if sometimes doubts come accross the lives of the people like that of Thomas the doubter in the gospel. Jesus should himself as the wounded inorder to share in the woundedness of humanity. After sharing in the woundedness of Christ, Christians are called to be Merciful also to their brothers and sisters even if sometimes doubts lingered in them. The Life of St. Faustina Kowalska is an example of how God showed mercy to the people by relaying to her the message of mercy. That people should TRUST IN GOD in order that mercy flows from His pierced side. After the celebration of the mass, an agape shared by everyone and celebrating also the birthday celebrants for the month of April.