For this Year's World Day of Prayer for Vocations (WDPV) it gives highlight to the Rogationist Activity especially in the Anthonian Institute Community in Warsaw last April 30, 2023.
The celebration was organized through series of activities like the Triduum which was done simultaneously in the different Rogationist houses. The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is always at the 4th Sunday of Easter which is Good Shepherd Sunday. This activity is very Rogationist in its nature as it reflects to the charism of the Rogationists Congregation to PRAY uncessingly to the Master of the Harvest that He may send Good Laborers to His harvest. It is not Praying but Propagating this Prayer for Vocations so that it may become Universal as dreamed by the Founder of the Rogationists, St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia.
The Activity started with a Triduum presided by Fr. Mike Di Silva, RCJ through Adoration for Vocations with some invited Filipinos and open to those who are available for the said event. The adoration has also a shared reflections of the presider and the importance of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations in the Church, to the Rogationists Congregation and to the community. It was also an opportunity to do the catechesis on the importance of PRAYING FOR MORE WORKERS in the CHURCH and to the Family as well. During the WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS itself which is also Good Shepherd Sunday, Fr. Mike highlight the Rogationists Charism to the people who attended the celebration as the following: 1. To Pray for more Vocations in the Church; 2. To propagate this Prayer for Vocations so that it becomes universal; and 3. As expression of this Prayer for Vocations is to help the needy brothers and sisters by especially those who are poor and orphans.
After the Holy Mass, an agape was offered by the community as those who shared their food for everyone. It is the Need of the Church to Pray for more Vocations. but the easiest prayer that one can contribute is the ejaculatory prayer taught by St. Hannibal himself, "SEND O LORD HOLY APOSTLES INTO YOUR CHURCH!