The Solemnity of Corpus Christi was of great importance in the Liturgy of the Church.
It honors the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In other Churches, Corpus Christi is celebrated on a Sunday but in Poland, it was celebrated on a Thursday, June 8, 2023. The Anthonian Institute had the opportunity to celebrate it with the Filipinos and made the piligrimage in ŁOWICZ, POLAND. The community traveled as early as 8:30 in the morning with some riding on a train and others with their respective cars. Fr. Herbie organized the activity together with Fr. Miguel and Fr. Tirso. At their arrival to ŁÓWICZ, the Filipinos had their visit to the Church and some tourists activities. The priests on the other hand, they go straight to the sacristy and meet some priests particularly the Bishop Andrzej Franciszek Dziuba. He was so happy in meeting the priests of the said celebration. They concelebrated in the celebration and procession where series of stations was held. Fr. Herbie was chosen to read the gospel in one of the stations. It was attended by a huge number of people from different places and especially the Filipinos who were part of the pilgrimage.
After the celebration of the Eucharist and the procession, the Filipinos had the opportunity to gather together in a particular park in Łowicz. Lunch time was shared by the community with their shared food and drinks. After lunch bonding was made by some Filipinos and bought some things particular of łowicz. Generally, it was a solemn celebration with the tourists and the people who attended the celebration especially during the Holy mass and the procession of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Much more of the fun shared by all the Filipinos at the park.